Watery Landscapes
by Simon Turner
———– (the eye un-
oooooo hitched in the fog
at the marsh’s edge where
the tide’s peeled back
a fossil giant’s dis-
junct lower jaw’s
leering through the Alde’s silt
oooooo the light un-
oooooo strung in the fog
a jetty’s uprights whittled
back to blackened stumps
arrayed to form a heart-
shaped harbour round a row-
boat’s charcoal carcass
oooooo the land un-
oooooo hinged in the fog)
the boatshed’s hollowed out:
a Mondrian ghost of
salt-fried timber &
bare-knuckle brick, the
ground reclaimed
by buddleia, bramble,
dark billows of gorse,
remorseless squalls
like long-range wave crests
collapsing in the shallows
oooooo (a raw wind seethes
oooooo in the hip-high grass;
oooooo the larks unleash
oooooo their arcade chatter)
&the roof-beam jutting
like a petulant razzing tongue
from its northwest wall
concludes the structure
abruptly in a fog-blind
vacancy of air –
by Tony D’Arpino
wrist sinuous drainage rhynes
droveways and scattered farms
the ancient wooden tracks
preserved by mother peat
jeweled jaws of the sea
settlements called ‘huish’
a family holding or ‘worth’
enclosing oval infields
seahenge causeways
burrow wall beer wall
linked the islands
otters herons curlews
new rhynes and ditches
crack willows pollarded for hurdles
thatching spars
hay meadows
when the moon grew in the water
osier beds coppiced for wands
basketwork and fishtraps
alder beds and turbaries
the peat cut by hand
with the long-handled
square-bladed turf spade
the turves dried in cones and domes
the mouths of all the rivers
sealed by clyses
tidal sluices
closed against high tides
ley lines notched woodlands
ridge and furrow strip lynchets
the shapes of terraced farms
lines in an open hand
by David Woolley
The end of a week of storms,
the calm after what will come again,
the world soggy with rain.
I read ‘American Painters’, think
of you, how your dead husband’s
crazy family stole all your
Winslow Homer posters.
Henry James thought Homer’s work
‘hopelessly unfinished’, but he missed
the point – those figures rising
blurrily from the landscape, the ocean,
thumbed to mist, fighting for light.
At Seaton, Porthcothan, beaches
we walk are smashed.
The rural idyll, like
the Cornish sea-walls, fell,
but Homer’s world’s not one
of harsh, straight lines.
His people, live, like us,
like his fisherman, edges blurred,
backs bending to the swell.
Simon Turner was born in Birmingham in 1980, and currently lives in Warwickshire. He has published two full collections, most recently Difficult Second Album (Nine Arches Press, 2010); a pamphlet, Works on Paper, was published by Seren in 2015. His poems have appeared in a variety of publications, including Poetry Wales, Tears in the Fence and PN Review, and the anthologies Lung Jazz: Young British Poets for Oxfam (Cinnamon, 2012), and Dear World & Everyone In It (Bloodaxe, 2013). He is currently working towards a third collection.
Tony D’Arpino’s most recent book of poetry is Floating Harbour (Redcliffe Press). His work has also appeared in the anthologies The Echoing Gallery: Bristol Poets on Art in the City and The Other Side of The Postcard (City Lights). Magazine credits include Agenda, Barrow Street, and Poetry East. His most recent nonfiction book, Trees of Bristol, explores the natural history and legacy of the ancient forests of the West Country, local tree lore, and the bio-diversity of the urban forest.
David Woolley was born in Plymouth, has lived in Cornwall, Essex and Wales, and is now back in Cornwall. He has worked in literature development for 30 years, chiefly as a festival organiser. He ran the events and festivals at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea for 15 years, and has published four collections of poetry, most recently Pursued by a Bear (Headland, 2010). He now directs the Bodmin Moor Poetry Festival (27 – 29 May – www.bodminmoorpoetryfestival.co.uk).